Wednesday, April 20, 2011


A definition of a fractal from wikipedia:

A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"a property called self-similarity.

In an age of highly proliferated and ever changing technology, the means to produce art are great. Add to that a "Post-Modern" sensibility of what can be art, (for better or for worse) a lot approaches to art making are made possible.

Are fractals art?

BenoĆ®t Mandelbrot (20 November 1924 – 14 October 2010) was a mathematician who coined the term fractal in 1975 for shapes that appear similar at all levels of magnification. Fractals appear in all forms of nature, from the flower, to clouds, to a river delta. And fractals are infinitely long and complex, constantly twisting in upon itself.

While the images are not composed by an artist per se, the initial conditions are set and ran through the formula "Z = z2 +c" (also created by Mandelbrot), creating spectacular images reminiscent of intricate patterns in folk art or even psychedelic art.

In the end, the more we discover, the greater our tools become, the more we have to change the definition of what art is. Is it fractals?

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